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What is a Mashup?
- A web application that combines data from more than one source into a single integrated tool thereby creating a new and distinct web service that was not originally provided by either source.
How to Make a Mashup
- Mashed content is typically gathered from other sites through an API(application programming interface)
- API’s make it possible to use programs from within programs
- Ex. iGoogle, iGoogle gadgets, Google Docs, Windows Live, Yahoo Mail (think multi function programs on a webpage with out needing to re fresh the page)
APIs = Computer Science
- APIs require coding like:
- .NET
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- An API can require knowledge of all of these coding languages
Mashup Editors
- Mashup Editors: are WYSIWYGs for mashups. They provide a visual interface to build a mashup, often allowing the user to drag and drop data points into a web application.
- Orchestr8 AlchemyPoint
- WSO2 Mashup Server
- Microsoft Popfly
- Yahoo! Pipes
- QEDWiki by IBM
- Google Mashup Editor
- Serena Business Mashups
- Dapper
- Openkapow
- JackBe
- LiquidApps
- Open Mashups
- WaveMaker Ajax Studio
Ubiquity for Firefox
Ubiquity for Firefox from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.
Mashups in Education
- Stop New Nukes
An education/advocacy project to make folks aware of the impact of nuclear weapons. Combines Google Maps with Flickr photos of various nuclear hazards.
- The Globe is Warming
If you’ve ever wondered what m ight happen to the coastal areas given the future impact of climate induced sea level rise (and who hasn’t?), then this apocalyptic before & after mashup is for you.
- CampusExplorer
Search through 6,000 US universities by location, field of study or degree type. Results include a Google Maps view with plotted locations for each campus.
Could allow you access to our class Ning site from iLearn!
Nice! I need to talk to you about mashing up iLearn with Ning. Looking forward to your presentation on Thursday.
I can't thank you enough for this post/presentation! I now know that my final project will actually be creating a mashup of google maps and user-generated content. I'm going to document the entire process with the goal of creating a mashup without writing a single line of code, and I will try and use all WYSIWYG editors (Dreamweaver, and some mashable tools). I will be referring to your presentation more as I write my proposal.
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