Sunday, October 19, 2008

Mashups: Web Application Hybrid

Mashups:Web Application Hybrid

Here is my Slide Show

Or... you can see the text version of the presentation.

What is a Mashup?
  • A web application that combines data from more than one source into a single integrated tool thereby creating a new and distinct web service that was not originally provided by either source.

How to Make a Mashup
  • Mashed content is typically gathered from other sites through an API(application programming interface)
  • API’s make it possible to use programs from within programs
  • Ex. iGoogle, iGoogle gadgets, Google Docs, Windows Live, Yahoo Mail (think multi function programs on a webpage with out needing to re fresh the page)
APIs You Use

APIs = Computer Science
  • APIs require coding like:
    • .NET
    • Java
    • JavaScript
    • PHP
    • Python
  • An API can require knowledge of all of these coding languages
But I don’t know code?
  • Content can also be gathered by Web Feeds(RSS, ATOM) and Screen Scraping

Mashup Editors
  • Mashup Editors: are WYSIWYGs for mashups. They provide a visual interface to build a mashup, often allowing the user to drag and drop data points into a web application.
Slide 9
Mashup EditorsYahoo Pipes



Ubiquity for Firefox

Ubiquity for Firefox from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.
Mashups in Education
  • Stop New Nukes
    An education/advocacy project to make folks aware of the impact of nuclear weapons. Combines Google Maps with Flickr photos of various nuclear hazards.
  • The Globe is Warming
    If you’ve ever wondered what m ight happen to the coastal areas given the future impact of climate induced sea level rise (and who hasn’t?), then this apocalyptic before & after mashup is for you.
  • CampusExplorer
    Search through 6,000 US universities by location, field of study or degree type. Results include a Google Maps view with plotted locations for each campus.
How Would You Use Mashups?

Could allow you access to our class Ning site from iLearn!


Come and See Africa said...

Nice! I need to talk to you about mashing up iLearn with Ning. Looking forward to your presentation on Thursday.

miles said...


I can't thank you enough for this post/presentation! I now know that my final project will actually be creating a mashup of google maps and user-generated content. I'm going to document the entire process with the goal of creating a mashup without writing a single line of code, and I will try and use all WYSIWYG editors (Dreamweaver, and some mashable tools). I will be referring to your presentation more as I write my proposal.