Thursday, September 4, 2008

Web 2.0 and the Birth of Connectivism

Today we discussed some of the main elements of some web 2.0 technology. Within our small groups we brainstormed on Ning, iLearn, Blogs, and NetVibes. Here is what our group came up with:
Ning: Social Networking
-Building relationships
-Customized niche groups
-Photo/music sharing
-Variable user access

iLearn: Learning Management System
-Course management
-Student peer interaction
-Data management
-Virtual classroom
-Private closed group

NetVibes: RSS Aggregator
-Feed aggregator
-Puts multiple site information in one spot

-Open or closed environment
-Online journal
-1 main contributor
-Outside commenting

This exercise segued us into the discussion of connectivism theory. The individuals' knowledge within a learning group or classroom

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